. /** * GET PARAMETERS FOR THIS PAGE * * project_id: 0 - all projects, otherwise project id. * filter_id: The filter id to use for generating the rss. * sort: This parameter is ignore if filter_id is supplied and is not equal to 0. * "update": issues ordered descending by last updated date. * "submit": issues ordered descending by submit date (default). * * @package MantisBT * @copyright Copyright 2000 - 2002 Kenzaburo Ito - kenito@300baud.org * @copyright Copyright 2002 MantisBT Team - mantisbt-dev@lists.sourceforge.net * @link http://www.mantisbt.org * * @uses core.php * @uses access_api.php * @uses bug_api.php * @uses category_api.php * @uses config_api.php * @uses constant_inc.php * @uses filter_api.php * @uses gpc_api.php * @uses lang_api.php * @uses project_api.php * @uses rss_api.php * @uses string_api.php * @uses user_api.php * @uses utility_api.php */ require_once( 'core.php' ); require_api( 'access_api.php' ); require_api( 'bug_api.php' ); require_api( 'category_api.php' ); require_api( 'config_api.php' ); require_api( 'constant_inc.php' ); require_api( 'filter_api.php' ); require_api( 'gpc_api.php' ); require_api( 'lang_api.php' ); require_api( 'project_api.php' ); require_api( 'rss_api.php' ); require_api( 'string_api.php' ); require_api( 'user_api.php' ); require_api( 'utility_api.php' ); $f_project_id = gpc_get_int( 'project_id', ALL_PROJECTS ); $f_filter_id = gpc_get_int( 'filter_id', 0 ); $f_sort = gpc_get_string( 'sort', 'submit' ); $f_username = gpc_get_string( 'username', null ); $f_key = gpc_get_string( 'key', null ); # make sure RSS syndication is enabled. if( OFF == config_get( 'rss_enabled' ) ) { access_denied(); } # authenticate the user if( $f_username !== null ) { if( !rss_login( $f_username, $f_key ) ) { access_denied(); } } else { if( OFF == config_get( 'allow_anonymous_login' ) ) { access_denied(); } } # Make sure that the current user has access to the selected project (if not ALL PROJECTS). if( $f_project_id != ALL_PROJECTS ) { access_ensure_project_level( config_get( 'view_bug_threshold', null, null, $f_project_id ), $f_project_id ); } if( $f_sort === 'update' ) { $c_sort_field = 'last_updated'; } else { $c_sort_field = 'date_submitted'; } $t_path = config_get( 'path' ); # construct rss file $t_encoding = 'utf-8'; $t_about = $t_path; $t_title = config_get( 'window_title' ); $t_image_link = $t_path . 'images/mantis_logo_button.gif'; # only rss 2.0 $t_category = project_get_name( $f_project_id ); if( $f_project_id !== 0 ) { $t_title .= ' - ' . $t_category; } $t_title .= ' - ' . lang_get( 'issues' ); if( $f_username !== null ) { $t_title .= ' - (' . $f_username . ')'; } if( $f_filter_id !== 0 ) { $t_title .= ' (' . filter_get_field( $f_filter_id, 'name' ) . ')'; } $t_description = $t_title; # in minutes (only rss 2.0) $t_cache = '10'; $t_rssfile = new RSSBuilder( $t_encoding, $t_about, $t_title, $t_description, $t_image_link, $t_category, $t_cache ); # person, an organization, or a service $t_publisher = ''; # person, an organization, or a service $t_creator = ''; $t_date = date( 'r' ); $t_language = lang_get( 'phpmailer_language' ); $t_rights = ''; # spatial location , temporal period or jurisdiction $t_coverage = ''; # person, an organization, or a service $t_contributor = ''; $t_rssfile->addDCdata( $t_publisher, $t_creator, $t_date, $t_language, $t_rights, $t_coverage, $t_contributor ); # hourly / daily / weekly / ... $t_period = 'hourly'; # every X hours/days/... $t_frequency = 1; $t_base = date( 'Y-m-d\TH:i:sO' ); # add missing : in the O part of the date. PHP 5 supports a 'c' format which will output the format # exactly as we want it. # 2002-10-02T10:00:00-0500 -> 2002-10-02T10:00:00-05:00 $t_base = utf8_substr( $t_base, 0, 22 ) . ':' . utf8_substr( $t_base, -2 ); $t_rssfile->addSYdata( $t_period, $t_frequency, $t_base ); $t_page_number = 1; $t_issues_per_page = 25; $t_page_count = 0; $t_issues_count = 0; $t_project_id = $f_project_id; if( $f_username !== null ) { $t_user_id = user_get_id_by_name( $f_username ); } else { $t_user_id = user_get_id_by_name( config_get( 'anonymous_account' ) ); } $t_show_sticky = null; if( $f_filter_id == 0 ) { $t_custom_filter = filter_get_default(); $t_custom_filter['sort'] = $c_sort_field; } else { # null will be returned if the user doesn't have access right to access the filter. $t_custom_filter = filter_db_get_filter( $f_filter_id, $t_user_id ); if( null === $t_custom_filter ) { access_denied(); } $t_custom_filter = filter_deserialize( $t_custom_filter ); } $t_issues = filter_get_bug_rows( $t_page_number, $t_issues_per_page, $t_page_count, $t_issues_count, $t_custom_filter, $t_project_id, $t_user_id, $t_show_sticky ); $t_issues_count = count( $t_issues ); # Loop through results for( $i = 0; $i < $t_issues_count; $i++ ) { $t_bug = $t_issues[$i]; $t_about = $t_link = $t_path . 'view.php?id=' . $t_bug->id; $t_title = bug_format_id( $t_bug->id ) . ': ' . $t_bug->summary; if( $t_bug->view_state == VS_PRIVATE ) { $t_title .= ' [' . lang_get( 'private' ) . ']'; } $t_description = string_rss_links( $t_bug->description ); # subject is category. $t_subject = category_full_name( $t_bug->category_id, false ); # optional DC value $t_date = $t_bug->last_updated; # author of item $t_author = ''; if( access_has_global_level( config_get( 'show_user_email_threshold' ) ) ) { $t_author_name = user_get_name( $t_bug->reporter_id ); $t_author_email = user_get_field( $t_bug->reporter_id, 'email' ); if( !is_blank( $t_author_email ) ) { if( !is_blank( $t_author_name ) ) { $t_author = $t_author_name . ' <' . $t_author_email . '>'; } else { $t_author = $t_author_email; } } } # $comments = 'http://www.example.com/sometext.php?somevariable=somevalue&comments=1'; # url to comment page rss 2.0 value $t_comments = $t_path . 'view.php?id=' . $t_bug->id . '#bugnotes'; # optional mod_im value for dispaying a different pic for every item $t_image = ''; $t_rssfile->addRSSItem( $t_about, $t_title, $t_link, $t_description, $t_subject, $t_date, $t_author, $t_comments, $t_image ); } # @todo consider making this a configuration option - 0.91 / 1.0 / 2.0 $t_version = '2.0'; $t_rssfile->outputRSS( $t_version );